Wednesday, June 26, 2013


It's been a while since I posted on my blog, but today my twin brother and I are 49 years old today. I thank God for all of my blessings and look forward to my 50th in good health and spirits. Join me today in celebrating pics to follow.


Sunday, June 2, 2013

and how to implement them.
Anthony(Sent via GO SMS)
Getting ready to outline the chapters and content for my new book "Pay,Provide and Protect, a guide for men" I discuss the importance of these the things

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Anthony(Sent via GO SMS)
h has found that people with bad credit, who are hiding from something, like the court system and those who are currently or who have been incarcerated.
I have been checking out the Rushcard and found out it is loaded with fees. So much so that it boggles my mind, for who would use such a card. My researc
It felt good yesterday for me to see a deposit from the royalties from my book. It wasn't much but it's such a great encouragement.
Anthony(Sent via GO SMS)